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North Dakota State PIRC is a Parent Information and Resource Center; Funded by US Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement



Peace Talks 3: Managing Your Anger
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Controlling one's anger is a critical life skill and Managing Your Anger explores the difficulties teens face learning to control theirs while dealing with raging hormones, the pressures of grown-up responsibilities and the generalized anger of mass culture. Teens humorously outline their biggest pet peeves, and learn to deal with some of life's most common aggravating situations without blowing up. Kids learn to express anger in non hurtful ways and let go of pent-up resentments through forgiveness and self-control.


"No Thanks, I Just Had a Banana!"
48 minutes 

This video shows how to improve their emotional and verbal reactions to challenging people and situations. Sally Ogden, a veteran classroom teacher and national consultant, teaches how to respond to bullies, criticism, and cruelty, as well as how to avoid being manipulated while at the same time maintaining one's self-esteem.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz: Did You Hear About�?
15 minutes (Grades 3-5)

Follow the trail of gossip as it races through a school from child to child leaving confusion and hurt feelings in its wake. This lively program uses dramatizations to help youngsters begin to consider and discuss how it feels to be the target of rumors and gossip. Also available in VHS video.

Listen To What I Just Heard! Rumors and Gossip
11 minutes (Grades K-2)

Young children usually accept everything they hear as the truth. Yet often the story that's being told isn't true at all it's a rumor. Likening the spread of rumors and gossip to the game telephone, this music-filled program helps young children understand how rumors and gossip can lead to hurt feelings and the importance of asking questions and setting the record straight before accepting a story as true. Also available in VHS video.

Odd Girl Out
85 minutes (Grade 7-12)

A mother and her daughter confront the intimidation of teen peer pressure and the emotionally brutalizing social rituals of high school. A well-adjusted teenager becomes depressed when she's ostracized by her friends at school. Her mother must help her daughter regain her confidence.

Peace Talks 4: Dealing with Bullies, Troublemakers, and Dangerous Situations
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Bullies are no longer the big loud kids who like to intimidate and push other kids around on the playground. Now bullies travel in gangs and often pack deadly weapons. The rules for engagement have changed and this program explores how to best handle bullies and protect victims without getting hurt. Teens learn how to recognize potentially dangerous situations and avoid violence by reasonably predicting the consequences of their actions.

Peace Talks 6: Handling Dating Pressures and Harassment
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Handling Dating Pressures and Harassment deals with the difficult issues of sexual harassment, sexual coercion, and date rape, which are occurring with surprising frequency in the nation's schools. Discussion outlines typical types of harassment and abuse which occur in the teen years, and successful strategies for dealing with verbal and physical attacks. Teens learn how to say no to abuse and the importance of building healthy positive relationships.

Real People: Bullying, The Internet and You (DVD)
(2005) 23 minutes (Gr 5-9)

With the remarkable speed of the Internet at their disposal, kids are spreading rumors and gossip, embarrassing, and tormenting their peers with a newfound anonymity that emboldens them. This program takes a look bullying and harassment as it manifests itself on the Internet. (VHS Version)

Silent On The Sidelines (DVD)
21 minutes (Grades 5-9)

What is it about bullying behavior that is so powerful it silences the people who witness it? This program, designed to help students and staff create a school climate that stops bullying behavior, will help answer these questions. After viewing this video students will better understand: why bullying should not be tolerated by those who witness it, the reasons students often stay silent, strategies to prevent bullying, the power of the group in combating bullying, and how adults and students can work together.

The Bully Smart Series
4 DVDs, 15 minutes each (Grades 3-6)

This 4-DVD set covers many aspects of bullying and offers possible solutions. In "Are You a Bully?", a series of vignettes shows that bullying goes beyond physical confrontation to include teasing, picking on other children, intimidation, threatening, leaving others out, and spreading rumors. "Five Ways to Stop a Bully" offers specific coping strategies. Viewers are encouraged to ignore the bully, ask the bully to stop, unite in confronting the bully, pretend the bully doesn't bother you and, as a final resort, tell a trusted adult. Mention is also made of cyber-bullying. Viewers learn how to be proactive in "Don't Stand By". They are encouraged to help those being bullied, talk to the bully, and inform adults of the situation. In "Help! I'm a Bully", three children admit to bullying and their actions, and the impact of those actions, are shown. Their recognition of the problem and decision to stop the bullying behavior is also explored.

When You See a Bully (DVD)
14 minutes (Grades K-2)

Show even the youngest children that it is possible to stand up for themselves and others when they see bullying happen. This program uses three age-appropriate vignettes to demonstrate precisely what youngsters can do to when they see bullying and say "Its NOT OKAY with me!"


Auto B Good #1
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-punctual, prompt, and ready

Auto B Good #10
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Perserverance, Sportsmanship, Self-Discipline.

Auto B Good #11
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Independence, Resourcefulness, Cleanliness.

Auto B Good #12
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Courtesy, Fairness, Confidence.

Auto B Good #2
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Responsible, Respect, Dependable.

Auto B Good #3
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Obedience, Self-Control, Polite.

Auto B Good #4
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Truthfulness, Honesty, Kindness.

Auto B Good #5
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Thankfulness, Generosity, Goodwill.

Auto B Good #6
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Joyfulness, Patience, Cooperation.

Auto B Good #7
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Tolerance, Consideration, Uniqueness.

Auto B Good #8
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Patriotism, Citizenship, Loyalty.

Auto B Good #9
30 minutes (Grades K-3)

In every child's imagination, the inanimate come to life. What if it was possible for those imaginations to become a reality and also teach important life lessons? There is such a place, the little city of Auto, just off of County Road "B" in the State of Good. This dvd addresses the following three topics-Courage, Initiative, Self-Reliance.

Can I Have A Turn? Learning About Sharing
15 minutes (Grades K-2)

This program helps students think about what it means to share with others and how it feels when someone won't share with you. Youngsters learn three important ways to resolve conflicts that often arise when two or more people want to do the same thing. Also available in VHS video.

Excuses, Excuses: Give It Up!
21 minutes (Grades 5-9)

By middle school it is time to accept responsibilty and give up the excuse habit. Program follows the stories of three teens who learn the hard way that completing assignments and doing what's expected is part of growing up. Also available in VHS video.

I Didn�t Do It Because: Excuses, Excuses (DVD)
2005 (18 minutes) (Grade 3-5)

Using real-life situations, I Didn�t Do It Because.. .Excuses, Excuses helps students see that making excuses to justify not meeting a responsibility can have unwanted and even regrettable consequences, and makes a strong pitch for why they should give up the excuse habit. Discussion questions invite students to ponder and talk about the issues raised in the program, while related activities expand on and reinforce the concepts presented. (DVD Edition)

Popcorn Park 1: Trustworthiness
22 minutes (Grade K-5)

Groark and Muggsy learn how important honesty and trust are in building good friendships. When Muggsy tries to impress Groark by stealing an expensive birthday present for him, Groark struggles to figure out the right thing to do, and teaches Muggsy that it is better to have friends you can trust than expensive toys. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Popcorn Park 2: Respect
26 minutes (Grade K-5)

Burna discovers that name-calling, teasing, and put-downs are not good natured fun. When her friends ostracize her for treating them disrespectfully and for bullying a new kid on the playground, Burna learns that the way to have good friendships is to treat people the way you would like them to treat you. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Popcorn Park 3: Responsibility
23 minutes (Grade K-5)

Groark and Burna learn that being irresponsible can be unfair and hurtful to everyone, including themselves. When Burna neglects an important responsibility by dumping it on Muggsy, and Groark makes a mistake and lets Muggsy take the blame, the result is a tangle of hard feelings that nearly brings their friendships to a painful end. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Popcorn Park 4: Fairness
27 minutes (Grade K-5)

Essie learns that being fair to everybody can be a lot harder than it seems. When she has to decide which of her friends will get the starring role in the annual Popcorn Park play, Essie has a lot to consider - including the not-so-fair actions of the two competitors. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Popcorn Park 5: Caring
23 minutes (Grade K-5)

Burna discovers (by being a "reading buddy") the personal rewards that come from giving of yourself to help somebody else. When Burna has to make a hard choice between doing a community service project and playing soccer, she learns that caring is more about what we do than about how we feel. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Popcorn Park 6: Citizenship
28 minutes (Grade K-5)

Nubbs becomes a hero to his friends by helping them tap into their power to make an important difference in their community. When Nubbs leads his friends in a successful effort to transform an ugly vacant lot into a beautiful grove of shady trees, they all experience the satisfaction and the benefits that come from being good citizens. In this series, kids explore essential character virtues with the Popcorn Park Puppets. In each video the puppets become entangled in problems that require them to sort out right from wrong. This DVD contains both the English and Spanish language versions of the program.

Surviving Peer Pressure: You Can Do It!
22 minutes (Grades 5-9)

For teens and pre-teens, staying true to oneself can be a tough act to pull off. This program, presented in a drama format, presents five scenarios where teens are asked to make critical decisions in typical peer pressure situations - whether to raid a liquor cabinet when the parents are not home, teasing and bullying a vulnerable kid out of sight of teachers and parents, excluding a girl from their regular lunch table, being pressured to shoplift in a local mall and being tempted to cheat on an exam because other teens got advance copies of the test. In each scenario, the action stops at a critical juncture and students review six steps to making the right choice: listen to your inner voice, what would you do if you were alone, take a time out, imagine your parents are watching you, is it against the law and finally, is it worth the risk?

Tolerance: Responding to Differences
18 minutes (Grades 5-9)

Middle school years are the prime time when kids "make fun" of each other for differences in clothing, speech, physical traits and ethnicity. This video, consisting of four dramatic scenes and real-life interviews will challenge your students to look at each scene and determine what they would do in each situation. The program demonstrates that the tools of empathy, respect, acceptance, and forgiveness can be used to develop more tolerant attitudes.

What Should I Do? Making Decisions
19 minutes (Grades 3-5)

Mort, a lively puppet friend, has learned the important steps to making good decisions, and he passes them along to viewers. He helps kids see the importance of considering the consequences of their decisions, getting enough information to make a decision, and thinking about how they would feel if someone found out what they did. Also available in VHS video.


How to Teach Without Getting Punched: Preventing Battles and Blow-Ups with Angry Students
Love & Logic (90 minutes) 

As the school environment changes, teachers need new skills. In this live presentation Dr. Charles Fay offers techniques that: help create harmony between teacher and student; keep disruptions to a minimum; control outbursts with empathy; show what to do in a dangerous situation � fighting, guns, drugs; and show how to discipline without losing quality teaching time.

Peace Talks 10: Stepping Up To Peace
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Stepping Up To Peace focuses on the role of community in teenagers' lives and how developing a strong sense of community can be a powerful way to reduce violence. The ethical basis of community spirit is explored as teens decide whether or not to help a stranger in need. Teens learn that compassion, tolerance and respect are the cornerstones of any community and discover ways to use these values to create stronger communities in their schools and neighborhoods.

Peace Talks 1: Preventing Violence
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Preventing Violence presents a powerful profile of the types of violence teenagers face today and the emotional toll it is taking on their lives. Personal stories are intercut with lively discussions on violence prevention. Practical strategies for avoiding and reducing violence emerge as students learn the importance of predicting consequences, cooling down, and walking away.

Peace Talks 2: Resolving Conflicts
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Resolving Conflicts examines the reasons why so many teen disagreements turn into conflicts and fights. Teens learn the importance of good communication skills in resolving conflicts, and how to cool out conflicts before they become violent. Real life confrontations are de-escalated when teens respect each others feelings and learn to assert themselves in non threatening ways.

Peace Talks 7: Bridging Racial Divisions
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Nothing can fan the flames of teen violence like the mistrust and conflicts which result from racial divisions. Bridging Racial Divisions explores the painful personal consequence of racial conflicts as teenagers from different racial groups come together to discuss the stereotypes and prejudice that divide them. Triggers to violence such as racial slurs and graffiti are examined, and teenagers are encouraged to value diversity and build communication across racial and ethnic lines.

We Can All Get Along
24 minutes (Grades 3-5)

Using dramatizations, this program introduces students to practical and easy-to-implement strategies that will allow them to settle their differences peacefully. Help students discover how blame, put-downs, name-calling, bossiness and threats can make a situation go from bad to worse. Give youngsters useful tips for heading off fights before they start. Sections include: Get the Facts/Talk It Out; Good Communication; Solve the Problem/Resolve the Conflict; and Quick and Easy Fixes. Also available in VHS video.


Is It Okay? How to Stay Safe
20 minutes (Grades K-2)

Safety Sam the Fireman and his faithful dog Rescue, teach kids �Ten Super Safety Rules� that cover street safety, personal safety and safety from strangers. Lively songs and true-to-life situations that kids will easily relate to highlight each of these special safety areas and reinforce key safety tips. From taking a friend�s medicine or chasing a ball into the street, to opening the door to a stranger or approaching an unknown animal, this program helps kids recognize what they can do to stay safe! After viewing this program kids will: See how to be safe when playing on the street. Learn to protect themselves from common dangers. Know how to identify and avoid strangers. Remember to yell, yell, yell if someone tries to grab them. Also available in VHS video.

It's Your Body: You're In Charge
20 minutes (Grades K-2)

Empower even the youngest children to feel that they have control over their own bodies. This program helps them differentiate between good and bad touches, learn that they have the right to say �no� to a touch that makes them feel uncomfortable, understand the �touching rule� and realize if they experience a bad touch, they MUST speak up and tell an adult they trust what happened. From the comfort of a hug or the joy of a high-five, to tickling that starts out as fun, but turns unpleasant, to the abusive touching of a private part of a child�s body, this program will give youngsters the courage to protect themselves by speaking up! After viewing this program students will: Trust their feelings about touches Learn what parts of their bodies are private Differentiate between good and bad secrets Recognize that saying �no� and talking to a trusted adult can keep them safe. Also available in VHS video.

The First and Last Day of Middle School
14 minutes 

It happens every day in schools all over the planet. Some younger or smaller-bult kid goes into the restroom and encounters some older students who seem to forget how much they hated it years ago, when older, bigger kids picked on them. Surverys show that many kids try not to use the school bathroom at all if they can help it. This is the story of a small-bult boy, whom on his first day of middle school, learns first-hand just how scary a school restroom can be. For this child, the terrifying experience will last just a few minutes�but for his tormentors, the memory of that awful day� will last forever.

The Lesson For Today
14 minutes 

It's called the pass-out game, and over five hundred children accidently die each year from engaging in this dangerous activity. On one cold December morning, a group of middle-school students will learn just how deadly this game can be. "A powerful and emotional film dealing with a crucial issue that will leave a life long impression on children and adults alike"


A Child Grows: The First Year Of Life
24 minutes (Age Birth-1)

This video might be the best way to see infant development this side of becoming a parent. Our cast of infants demonstrate basic motor skills from rolling over to standing alone. They learn that objects can exist outside of their own experience, learn cause and effect, and slowly discover they are independent beings. Watch as they explore eye-hand coordination, feeding skills, a first smile, language understanding, baby talk, and the magical dance of senses and muscles called "sensorimotor" development.

Children Learning Language: How Adults Can Help
24 minutes (Age Birth-4)

Expert advice from Naomi Baron, author of Growing Up With Language: How Children Learn to Talk. This program identifies six stages of learning to talk, four factors that make developmental differences normal, the value of "child-directed speech" (otherwise known as "baby talk"), and how adults can help children learn language.

Five And Six-Year-Olds
21 minutes (Age 5-6)

Join Jack, Danielle, Kailee, Matthew, Isabella, Tyler, Natalie, and their friends to explore the child development at ages five and six. See five and six year olds struggle to learn the idea of fair play, co-operation, following rules, and taking turns. Learn that five and six year olds struggle to distinguish reality from make believe. Watch our young video stars arrange objects by color, assemble jigsaw puzzles, and make drawings that sometimes look like modern art. See them deal with basic mathematical concepts and learn to size up three-dimensional objects.

Is Baby Ok? Assessing Development
21 minutes (Age Birth-2)

How can we tell if our child is developing normally in its first two years? Learn some of the basic developmental milestones in physical growth, personal and social skills, large and small motor skills, and language acquisition. Discover when to seek professional help to assess development, especially for potential problems in hearing and vision. Understand that speech is the most variable area of development. Learn to recognize key motor skill developments. See how symmetry of movement is important, and understand how even a baby rattle is a developmental tool. Learn how recently revised growth charts take ethnic diversity into account.

Preschoolers: How Three- And Four-Year-Olds Develop
25 minutes (Age 3-4)

This fresh and appealing production chronicles the physical, social and cognitive development of preschoolers. Viewers learn why play in its many forms is critical to development. They see how fine and large motor skills develop, and see the emergence of literacy and problem-solving skills.

Shaping Youngest Minds
24 minutes 

At birth, the brain is remarkably unfinished; its 100 billion neurons are not yet connected. How the brain is "wired" for life depends on how a child experiences the world and forms attachments to parents, family, and care-givers.

The Not-So-Terrible-Twos: The Third Year Of Life
22 minutes (Age 2)

The twos are one of child development�s most confusing and exciting years. This cast of cuties demonstrate the major physical, mental, emotional developmental milestones of the third year of life. Students will witness the development of language skills, toilet training, self-awareness, and concern for others. They will learn how two-year-olds work out the contradictions of wanting both to possess and to share, to say yes and to say no, and to create and destroy.

Toddlers: The Second Year Of Life
21 minutes (Age 1-2)

One-year olds sleep a lot. In their "spare time" they figure out how to use over six hundred muscles and embrace the scary task of becoming an individual. Physical, mental, emotional and social development intertwine as toddlers learn to move, think and speak in new ways. Watch our cast of toddlers struggle with the conflict between wanting to be independent and the desire to cling to the security of a parent. Learn about different personality styles and the role of temper tantrums in emotional development.

Why Can't Michael Pay Attention?
21 minutes 

Join the parents of six-year-old Michael as they seek to understand his impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattention. After a multi-faceted assessment, Michael is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Michael's parents learn techniques such as consistent schedules, docking systems, star charts, and self-monitoring to help organize home life. Michael's parents face the pros and cons of medication.


Disciplining Kids (Without Screaming And Scolding)
20 minutes 

Presenting better ways to discipline, the program portrays destructive methods (shouting, verbal abuse, threats) followed by alternatives that focus on giving attention for positive rather than negative behavior. Through discussion and dramatized stories, viewers learn how to make encouraging statements with "I" messages, deliver reprimands when needed, and give directions so children understand exactly what is expected.

How to Discipline Kids without Losing Their Love and Respect (DVD)
Love & Logic (94 minutes) 

Watch beloved storyteller and parenting expert, Jim Fay, as he speaks to parents, educators, and community leaders about how to discipline kids without losing their love or respect. This DVD teaches: two simple rules for raising respectful, responsible kids; how to take good care of yourself; how to teach and build character; how to get kids to listen the first time; and much more. This video is a great introduction to Love and Logic for the beginner... and a great review for those already familiar with the techniques.

Yelling, Threatening, And Putting Down: What To Do Instead
35 minutes (Age 2-10)

Parents find that yelling at kids, threatening, and using putdowns comes naturally. The problem is they don't work. The failure leads to more yelling and threatening. This video presents alternatives to these ineffective responses to misbehavior. Learn to match discipline with the child's capabilities, use redirection and empathy, and prevent anger from taking control.


(2007) 35 minutes 

It is happening more and more these days; well-meaning and usually responsible parents, allowing underage youth to drink at parties. Some parents believe that kids are probably going to drink, so they might as well drink in a controlled environment. In most instances the parties are set up to last all night and youth have to surrender their car-keys before even entering the party. Regardless of their good intentions, how can a parent be absolutely sure they have the situation under control? In "16," Hunter is about to turn 16 and he is having a big all-night party. Hunter's dad and mom have agreed to provide the beer, making it an all night event and taking car-keys from everyone that comes to the party... and believe this will keep everything safe and under their control. At first everything goes as planned, but by dawn their decision will result in multiple tragedies, shaking the very foundation of their community. A Thomas Brown film.

Alcohol Abuse: Dying For a Drink
14 minutes (Grade 7-12)

Playing with alcohol is not harmless fun. Learn about the dangers of alcohol consumption and listen to the testimonials of people whose lives have been forever changed because of the irresponsible use of this potentially deadly substance.

Nobody Gets Hurt
26 minutes (Grade 7-12)

Nobody Gets Hurt is a story about a father and son dealing with the son's past of making poor choices. The son's insistence that he's not hurting anybody turns into the realization that there are many people affected by his choices. Ben Turner stars as a teenager having trouble communicating with his father. The father is at the end of his rope trying to convince his son to improve his behavior, but can't get past his own anger and frustration. The intense drama that unfolds delivers a strong message about choices and consequences. The ending definitely gives the viewer something to think about. Based on the critically acclaimed play by Ted Miller, this story has been used as a part of outreach and substance abuse education programs in schools, group homes, and counseling centers.

Peace Talks 9: Drugs, Alcohol, and Guns: Triggers to Violence
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

This critical program examines the shocking prevalence of guns at teen parties and clubs and the predictably dangerous consequences of this casual mix of drugs, alcohol and weapons. Adults will learn of a brave new world where guns are omnipresent and kids think prevention means planning an escape route when they start to go off. Teens recount frightening personal stories of explosive violence when minor offenses on the dance floor turn deadly. Notions of adolescent immortality are challenged as teens come to realize that going to parties with drugs, alcohol and guns is simply not worth the risk.


Reading Rockets: Empowering Parents
(2005) 26 minutes (Prescl-Grade3)

When children struggle with reading, they're not the only ones who may feel frustrated and alone. Parents can suffer, too, wondering what they can do and where they can turn for help. Through stories of children from Portland, Oregon; Huntingtown, Maryland; and Ann Arbor, Michigan, Empowering Parents will help parents catch reading problems early on, find the right kind of support, and identify good reading instruction. Empowering Parents is hosted by parent, author, illustrator, and Today Show co-host Al Roker.


21 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Tackle the important issues of boyfriends and girlfriends with this 21-minute MTV program. Teen-to-teen camaraderie and brash honesty build students' trust and easily spark discussion. This program examines how boyfriend/girlfriend, Sean and Mehrak, are struggling with complaints and misconceptions about each other?s lives, and the strain they put on their relationship. When they are "flipped," they each assume the other?s identity, gaining a unique opportunity to confront their erroneous attitudes and perceptions, and explore the social, occupational, and gender-related pressures of their partner?s life. This entertaining and insightful program reveals the importance of communication, mutual understanding, and support in building and maintaining lasting relationships. It provides an excellent basis for discussion of attitudes, perceptions, and viewers? thoughts about how they would react if placed in a similar situation.

Peace Talks 5: Respecting Yourself and Others
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Whether you call it dissing, busting, capping or snapping, showing disrespect is probably the most common source of conflict and violence in the teen years. Respecting Yourself and Others examines both the humor and pain inherent in the put-downs and status games that typify so many teenage relationships, and reveals how they can easily move from innocent fun to hurtful attacks - particularly when used against different social, racial or ethnic groups. Discussion centers on how to handle perceived disrespect in potentially violent situations, and how a positive self-image can provide the confidence and composure to ignore insults and walk away from threatened violence.

Peace Talks 8: Handling Peer Pressure and Gangs
30 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Handling Peer Pressure and Gangs deals with a variety of issues concerning peer pressure, values and friendship, by examining why kids join cliques, groups and gangs. Teenagers are challenged to decide what they would do if a close friend wanted them to do something wrong, illegal, or dangerous, and are asked to examine the types of friendships they are making. The meanings of true friendship and the value of positive peer pressure are highlighted as ways to make good friends and stay out of trouble.


Healthy Habits for Life: Body Hygiene (DVD)
15 minutes (Grades 3-6)

Taking good care of your body is a big responsibility! Empower your students with this tactful and engaging video that models proper personal hygiene and the influence of healthy habits. Written to national health standards.

Healthy Habits for Life: The ABC's of Hygiene (DVD)
18 minutes (Grades K-2)

What information do young kids need to keep their bodies clean and healthy? This upbeat program gives a step-by-step demonstration of proper body hygiene. From brushing their teeth to washing their faces, kids get the basics of good hygiene.


Hope for Underachieving Kids: Opening the Door to Success
Love & Logic (142 minutes) 

There is hope for underachieving kids! Have you ever wondered what it was going to take to get your child, or one in your classroom, motivated to learn? Have you ever felt like everything you try just backfires? Join Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay, for plenty of time-tested strategies for reaching the most apathetic kid.


Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 1 - Stepfamily Living: A Different Parenting Challenge
47 minutes 

Explore some of the ways that stepfamilies differ from other families. Learn about three parenting styles and the essential principles of active parenting.

Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 2 - Finding Your Way: Stepfamily Communication & Problem Solving
31 minutes 

Learn guidelines for active stepparents and communication skills that will help you solve problems and strengthen stepfamily relationships.

Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 3 - A Tale of Two Histories: Turning Differences into Opportunities
27 minutes 

Help your stepfamily work through conflicts over money and authority, issues of privacy and sexuality, clashing values, and loyalty conflicts.

Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 4 - The Challenge of Discipline
35 minutes 

Explore how a child�s �Think-Feel-Do Cycle� relates to misbehavior. Learn proven, non-violent discipline techniques that also teach responsibility. Discover the benefits of logical consequences over punishment and reward.

Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 5 - From Anger & Power Struggles to Courage & Self-Esteem
30 minutes 

Defuse power struggles using the "FLAC" method. Explore the relationship between courage and success. Learn four ways to encourage � and avoid discouraging � your children and stepchildren.

Active Parenting for Stepfamilies 6 - Celebrating Stepfamily Successes
22 minutes 

Recognize when to seek help from a professional. Influence the events that shape your kids� lives. Celebrate the progress you�ve made with your stepfamily.

Go To Bed! Kids and Sleep
21 minutes 

The trip from womb to world is the longest, most traumatic journey a human will ever take. One result is to send newborns into months of what is much like severe jet lag. Their first sleeping patterns are nearly random. They need to learn night from day and adjust sleep patterns to fit their new world. This dance of adjustment -- of children to the world and parents to children -- is what Go To Bed! is about.

Helping Kids Face Today's World
Love & Logic (60 minutes) 

In this live presentation Dr. Cline will share stories and examples to make everyday family and school life less taxing and more enjoyable for kids and the adults in their lives. Dr. Cline will give you practical, easy-to-use, skills and strategies that work effectively with kids of all ages and help them handle today's demands, and tomorrow's frustrations.

Love and Logic Solutions
Love & Logic (120 minutes) (Ages 2-18)

The Love and Logic philosophy offers practical solutions for children of all ages. Through his wonderfully amusing tales, Jim Fay answers the questions most frequently asked by parents everywhere. How can I stop my children's fighting and bickering? Is there any way to get my son to pick up his stuff? How can I get my teenage daughter to come home at the agreed-upon time? Is there a way to discipline my toddler in public without creating a scene? � and much, much more!

Painless Parenting for the Preschool Years
Love & Logic (2 hr 36 min) (Preschool)

Get ready to laugh and have lots of fun as you learn easy-to-use, powerful parenting techniques. In this video Dr. Charles Fay gives you magical techniques to start using when your child is a toddler. Techniques that will make parenting young children enjoyable and rewarding.

Parenting Doesn't Have To Be Rocket Science
Love & Logic (110 minutes) 

Join Foster W. Cline, M.D. in this live presentation as he shows that it is not what parents say, but how they respond; not the content of their lectures but the quality of their questions. With humor, compassion, common sense, and delightful clarity, Dr. Cline models reaching children. The techniques in this video best insures that your children and your children's children are kids anyone would want to take off the shelf!

Real World Parenting Solutions: That Prepare Kids for the Real World
120 minutes 

This DVD teaches how to: get respect and responsibility out of your kids, raise kids who can cope, put an end to arguing and defiance, handle misbehavior in public, teach good decision-making and problem solving, stay calm when you don�t feel so calm, and much, much more.

Simple Parenting Strategies: For Raising Great Kids in Complicated Times
Love & Logic (120 minutes) 

This DVD teaches how to: get your kids to listen the first time you ask, avoid power struggles over chores, use techniques far more powerful than spanking, help your kids cope with bullying and teasing, keep parenting simple and fun, and much, much more.

Who Says Parenting Can't Be Fun?
Love & Logic (60 minutes) 

Love & Logic has collected some of their favorite stories by Jim Fay, Charles Fay, Ph.D., Foster W. Cline, M.D.,and Betsy Geddes, Ed.D. and put them into one video. These stories from America's Parenting Experts are a wonderful introduction for their new Love and Logic parents and a great refresher for veteran parents. Learn new skills or reinforce the Love and Logic techniques you have been using for years.


High School Dropout
21 minutes (Grades 6-12)

Tackle the important issue of dropping out of school with this 21-minute MTV program. Teen-to-teen camaraderie and brash honesty build students' trust and easily spark discussion. Jeremy, a talented basketball player, dreams of an NBA career and has no thoughts for anything else. Lavada, a pretty teen, wants to be a model; she sees no reason to hang around for her diploma. Each of these teens is "flipped" into believing their career dreams have suddenly become reality. In a world turned upside down, their opportunities quickly fall apart. Lavada's modeling assignment is canceled when the client decides her lack of education makes her a poor role model. After one glorious practice session, Jeremy's basketball scholarship is rescinded because he's not a high school graduate. As the teens learn that beauty and being an ace at defense aren't enough to qualify them for success, they are convinced to stay in school. Flipped or not, the message is clear: dropping out will not land you in the job of your dreams and an education is vital to realizing your career goals.