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North Dakota State PIRC is a Parent Information and Resource Center; Funded by US Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement

Library Search

Search Titles
Choose this option if you know all or part of the item's title

Specify item type(check nothing to include all types):
VHS Video
DVD Video

Search Descriptions
Choose this option to search for a keyword within the item's description

Specify item type(check nothing to include all types):
VHS Video
DVD Video

Some search tips:

Our search system searches by exact text string, which means it will only deliver results that appear exactly as you have typed them. For example, a search for 'bully' will find titles with 'bully' or 'bullying' but not 'bullied'. Likewise, a search for multiple terms like 'bullying teasing' will probably not be successful unless that specific string is present in the title or description.

For an example, say you are searching for the title Big Changes, Big Choices - Friendship

Big Changes, Big Choices - Friendship = will precisely find that exact title
big changes, big choices - friendship = will precisely find that exact title (case is not important)
big changes, big choices = will find the title (among others)
big changes = will find the title (among others)
friendship = will find the title (among others)
big changes big choices = will not find the title, missing the comma
big chagnes, big choices = will not find the title, misspelled word
big changes,big choices = will not find the title, missing the space after the comma
big changes, big choices friendship = will not find the title, missing the hyphen