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Anger and Self-Control Videos

Anger: Cool, Calm & Collected
(1995) 18 minutes (gr 4-6)

Students learn the keys for responding to angry people and responding to their own anger. They will discover that it is possible to stay in control and stop anger from becoming dangerous. Part of the Peacemakers series. Grade level: 4-6

Anger: Dealing with Anger
(1995) 15 minutes (grades 4-6)

Students learn to identify the sources of their own anger, where it comes from, which situations are most likely to arouse it, and the differences between justifiable and unjustifiable anger. Part of the Peacemakers series. Grade level: 4-6

Anger: You Can Handle It
(1995) 24 minutes (gr 7-12)

This program teaches teens specific techniques for handling anger. Points out that anger is a natural human emotion, helps students differentiate between normal feelings of anger and destructive angry behavior. Noting that different things make different people angry, shows viewers how to get back in control and deal with anger in safe, constructive ways. Grade level: 7-12

Angry? Ten Ways to Cool Off
(1999) 20 minutes 

Anger is a natural emotion, but one that generates intense feelings in young children, making them quick to "explode." This hands-on workshop demonstrates 10 effective strategies to use to "cool off" - handle angry feelings without breaking things or hurting other people or themselves. Grade level: K-2

Attitude Alert
(2000) 15 minutes 

Ever known someone with a chip on his/her shoulder? This video explores the belief that a person's attitude, whether at home, school, or in the community, has tremendous influence on one's actions. In the video, students will see that by changing their attitude, they can change an unhappy circumstance.

Be Cool - High School - Coping with Anger (Module 2)
High School 

With this module you will help students understand why people become angry, how to distinguish fair from unfair anger, and how to recognize when someone�s anger is becoming dangerous. Includes 4 videotapes.

Be Cool - High School - Coping with Criticism (Module 3)
High School 

Knowing how to cope with criticism will help your students improve their performance while maintaining their self-confidence. Includes 4 videotapes.

Be Cool - Losing It! Disrespect Part 1 (Module 1)
Middle School 

In part 1, Billy faces the disrespect of two classmates who decide to use him for spit wad target practice. After allowing his fantasies of retaliation to run their course, Billy realizes that losing it would only turn a problem he could handle into a problem he couldn't. Instead, Billy chooses to use BeCool self-talk strategies to keep his dignity and his cool. Modeled after the recent school shootings, Part 2 illustrates the ultimate form of losing it! Josh and Ryan have been brought to the breaking point by two bullies. We see how irrational self-talk encourages them to violence and self-destruction while rational self-talk helps them keep perspective and find an appropriate response.

Be Cool - Losing It! Disrespect Part 2 (Module 2)
Middle School 

In part 1, Charlie almost lets himself be talked into helping some more popular peers cheat on their homework. His unrealistic appraisal of his own ability to attract friends fills his head with self-talk that supports giving in to the extortion. However, instead of losing it, Charlie uses rational self-talk to get in control of his thoughts, himself and the problem. In part 2, after allowing her mind and her thoughts to be unnecessarily influenced by peer pressure, Morganne uses BeCool self-talk strategies to neutralize her friends' coercion to drink alcohol. More than modeling good refusal skills, Morganne models self-talk skills related to self-control and self-respect.

Be Cool - Losing It! Failure/Frustration (Module 3)
Middle School 

In part 1, Evan uses BeCool self-talk skills to cope with frustration. Instead of letting his anger and his thoughts get the best of him and losing it when life seems to conspire against him, Evan keeps his cool by challenging the irrational and exaggerated thoughts that often accompany feelings of frustration. In part 2, Evan overestimates his abilities as a pool player and sets himself up for failure when he challenges a player whose abilities are way over his head. We see that failure has a dramatic effect on his future behavior. Irrational self-talk will lead to losing it. BeCool self-talk leads to the realistic acceptance of failure and risk-taking as integral to high levels of achievement.

Be Cool - Losing It! Rejection (Module 4)
Middle School 

In part 1, Troy loses it when he allows his own distinctive self-talk to interpret rejection by a close friend to be a sign that he is totally unlikable. When he uses BeCool self-talk instead, Troy realizes that, although the rejection is painful and will take some time to get over, it's not the end of the world and he can handle it. In part 2, Mindy is rejected by peers she thought were her friends. She loses it when she allows irrational self-talk to support her knee-jerk violent response to get even. When she uses BeCool self-talk, the rejection is put in perspective, cooling her anger AND keeping her from turning a problem she could handle into one that she couldn't.

Be Cool - Lower - Coping with Anger/Other (Module 4)

Help kids deal with all types of anger by using a simple 4 step plan. Students will see Taylor coping with Jay's anger after accidentally bumping into him, and see Morganne's reaction to Dominic, who thinks she "cheated."

Be Cool - Lower - Coping with Anger/Self (Module 5)

Learning to recognize, accept and control one's own anger is a complex process. Frustration over acquiring new skills and broken agreements are some common triggers for experiencing anger from within. This program will demonstrate methods which children can use to effectively cope with their own anger.

Be Cool - Lower - Coping with Criticism (Module 1)

This Be Cool Module will help you teach your students the negative consequences of reacting like a victim, or of responding like a hothead when being criticized, as well as the advantages of being assertively "cool." Includes 4 videotapes.

Be Cool - Middle School - Coping with Anger/Other (Module 4)
Middle School 

Dealing with angry individuals is a highly challenging task for most people. If not handled effectively, angry behavior can cause emotional and physical damage to those exposed to it. This program will demonstrate methods which young adolescents can use to effectively cope with another's angry behavior.

Be Cool - Middle School - Coping with Anger/Self (Module 5)
Middle School 

Learning to recognize, accept and control one's own anger is a complex process. Frustration over acquiring new skills, equity/fairness issues, broken agreements and betrayal/loyalty issues are some common triggers for experiencing anger from within. This program will demonstrate methods which young adolescents can use to effectively cope with their own anger.

Be Cool - Middle School - Coping with Criticism (Module 1)
Middle School 

Hearing criticism is especially hard for middle school students and often triggers anger and unnecessary conflict. This program will show them how to distinguish valid from invalid criticism, and how to respond in a "cool," constructive way to both. Includes 2 videotapes.

Be Cool - Upper - Coping with Anger/Other (Module 4)
 (Grade 4-6)

Helps kids deal with anger coming from someone else. Shows the 4-Step Plan to express their anger.

Be Cool - Upper - Coping with Anger/Self (Module 5)
 (Grade 4-6)

Helps kids deal with anger originating from within oneself. Shows how to express their anger using the 4-Step BeCool Plan.

Be Cool - Upper - Coping with Criticism (Module 1)
 (Grade 4-6)

There's not always a clear difference between helpful criticism and destructive nagging. This module teaches kids how to distinguish between valid and invalid criticism and how to cope with each. They'll also learn the dead-end consequences of a COLD (Victim-like) or HOT (Hot-head) reaction to criticism. Includes 4 videotapes.

Dealing with Anger
18 minutes (grades 6-8)

Uncontrolled anger among teens is one of our nation's largest concerns. This video gives middle school students the tools they need to recognize and deal with their frustration and stresses. Grade level: 6-8

Expressing Anger: Healthy vs. Unhealthy
45 minutes (gr 7-12)

This video helps students identify inappropriate angry behaviors and learn new ways to cope with these strong emotions. Students will observe real teens participating in a workshop led by a clinical psychologist. After these teens act out the different ways we all express anger, students are challenged to identify their own styles of anger expression. Next, students are encouraged to examine why they express anger the way they do. Finally, students are encouraged to find new and healthier ways to express anger. Grade level: 7-12

Good Conduct Action Pack: Cool Kids in Control
(2001) 18 minutes 

Students will reflect on the need to practice self-control and to manage anger. Dramatizations show the consequences of losing one�s cool and also demonstrates positive approaches that students can take when dealing with anger, frustration and excitement. Grade level: 3-6

Handling Your Anger
33 minutes (gr 5-9)

This workshop is designed to teach anger-management techniques to middle schoolers. Helps students understand that while they cannot control angry feelings, they can control angry behavior. Specific techniques are provided for handling anger. Grade level: 5-9

Kelly Bear Teaches Problem Solving Skills and Anger Management
(1998) 22 minutes (k-2)

Children learn the steps to solving problems. They also learn positive ways to deal with their angry emotions. Understanding anger and coping positively with angry peers is also covered. Grade level: K-2

Life Lessons: Hurtful Words
(1995) 15 minutes (K-5)

A theme of thinking about what we say before we say it is maintained throughout this culturally diverse video as we learn the best way to "stop" and "think" in order to avoid using unkind actions or hurtful words. Grade level: K-5

Life Lessons: When I Get Mad
(1994) 14 minutes (K-5)

All of us can become angry when our expectations aren�t met or our dreams don�t come true. Through these skills based vignettes, children learn positive skills when dealing with their own anger, using a balloon that�s ready to burst is just one example. Grade level: K-5

Prevent Violence With Groark: Groark Learns to Control Anger
28 minutes (K-5)

This program teaches children: How anger can cause us to lose control of our behavior, lead to violence even when we don't intend it, and how we can calm our anger and stay in control. Grade level: K-5

Real Kids - Handling Anger
(2000) 20 minutes (gr 2-4)

This program interviews real kids who have learned to deal with angry feelings in productive ways. Students will identify with the situations described, and understand how to deal better with this natural but troubling emotion when it surfaces in their lives. Grade level: 2-4

Stress in the Family
(2003) 22 minutes 

This program shows youngsters that though they cannot avoid stressful situations if they exist in their family, they can find ways to deal with them. Emphasis is placed on such stress reduction techniques as regular exercise and deep breathing. Talking with friends, seeking out counseling, engaging in satisfying activities, and increasing communication with the family are also recommended. Grade level: 5-8

Stress: I Can Handle It!
18 minutes 

Stress, even for elementary school students, is a fact of life. With the help of a "Professional Stress Manager," youngsters will understand that stress is an automatic physical reaction to a situation, and learn practical strategies for managing the stress in their everyday lives. Grade level: 3-5

Struggling with Stress
(1998) 33 minutes 

This video uses a documentary format to follow a group of diverse teenagers through their normal everyday lives and exposes the challenges they face in managing stress. By watching how other real young people cope with their own stresses, your students will understand more about how to apply such coping techniques to their own daily lives. Grade level: 7-12

The Day Clarence was Angry as a Lion
(1991) 18 minutes 

Young Clarence's anger gets him into all sorts of trouble, until he learns how to handle his feelings. With the help of this most cool-headed King of Beasts, Clarence learns there is nothing wrong with feeling angry, but there are better ways to express it than through violence or other kinds of abusive behavior.

When You're Mad! Mad! Mad!
28 minutes (Grade 5-9)

For middle schoolers, the loss of control that anger provokes can not only be alarming but can undermine their self-esteem. This program shows viewers that they can learn to handle anger by controlling how they act and it suggests positive steps they can take. Grade level: 5-9

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